![children-sermon Children's MInistry](
The Shondo Center is a ministry designed to deliver services that are engaging, interactive, and well supported by God’s unchanging Word. WE are working hard to develop simple, straightforward ways to ensure that our youth and young adults are able to receive the engrafted word of God and keep it as they grow into adulthood.
1. Our teachers will strive to build a personal connection with the youth and young adults through bible study and direct interaction of bible stories.
Instead of simply reading the story directly from the bible, we will allow each child to act out a biblical character to their understanding followed by brief discussions of the biblical event. With this, the children could share the results with their parents for further enlightenment.
2. Motivate the youth.
Motivation is a key to effective learning, and perhaps the single most important contributor to motivation is the perceived relevance. To how they should lead their lives. Because of this, it will be important to discuss the course relevance, value, and applicability from the onset of each study.
3. Getting them directly involved will help youth maintain focus. Our bible studies for our youth will organize each session around shorter sequences and activities and keep even the little people involved.
4. Creating a sense of unity and community
Helping the youth to get to know one another, and what Godly interactions should be is our goal. The teachers will be available before and after sessions to answer any questions based on bible studies. Students are far more likely to reach out to leaders if it is easy to reach them. Our teens will find a place that believes that they are the hope of a better America and world! The Center is fully committed to raising up another godly generation of Christian servants. To that end, we provide weekly Sunday school classes, youth training times, teen soul-winning, and other opportunities for service during these important years of development. In addition, our Pastors and youth staff, host monthly youth activities to show love and just have fun.
Small group ministry is intentional, lay-led small groups that deepen and expand the ministry of a congregation. Two key focuses are intimacy, or building community and deepening relationships, and ultimacy, or the opportunity for deeper spiritual exploration and search for meaning. Small group ministry is also called covenant group ministry because the members in a group make an intentional commitment to one another.
Philippians 1:9–11 (ESV):
“And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.”
The Shondo Center strives to build a church culture that values biblical community and encourages church members to make it a priority to participate in small groups. Pastor Jeff and First Lady Trish, value small groups as an essential part of church life—not just as another program to fill time and space.