Followers of God
Our vision is to be a people transformed by GOD’s love who passionately desire to glorify GOD.
Bible Study 9:00am – 10:00am
Worship Service 10:30am – Until we finish.
6510 Barth Rd.
Jacksonville, Florida 32219
(904) 469-2615

Meet Pastor Valentine
Jeffrey Bernard Valentine, the pastor of the Shondo Center, can best be described as an enthusiastic, Bible-believing preacher with a message for this needy hour. Born in Easley, South Carolina Pastor Jeff moved to Jacksonville, Florida in 1974. He fought long and hard to become the man of God he is today.
During his early years, he faced a constant struggle as he had to deal with the reality of becoming a man without guidance. At the age of 20, Jeff entered the United States Army and began to see life through different eyes. As Pastor Jeff continued to grow, his first child and namesake, Jeffrey II was born. It was at this point that Jeff knew he needed to do more to support his family and become the father his children could look up to with pride. With two more additions to his family, Andre, and LaToya, Pastor Jeff was able to make a positive, life-changing stride in his military career as he served his country proudly. Pastor Jeff remained on active duty for four years and concluded tours of duty in Kuwait and Desert Storm. Pastor Jeffery B Valentine is a Combat Veteran and was awarded two bronze stars for valiantly serving our country with honor.
Jeff received Christ as his Lord and Saviour and was baptized with the Holy Spirit as well as becoming an ordained minister in August of 2005. JBV Ministries was birthed via the prison ministry (of Philippians Community Church). In 2003 as a result of his work in the prison ministry, Pastor Jeff met Prophetess Jacqueline Olds, host of a local television show, “It’s a New Day”. Jeff was personally invited to appear as a guest on Prophetess Old’s show, where he gave his testimony. She later asked him to co-host a show with her. Pastor Jeff’s own television show “Let’s Talk About It” began in July 2007 with the first show airing on the first Sunday morning in August on a local Comcast Cable television station in Jacksonville, FL.
Pastor Jeff was married to his lovely wife Patricia Valentine on February 14, 2013. Their consolidated family includes; Jeff II, Andre, Devan, Jireh, and Reece. One big happy family ordained with the LOVE OF GOD.
God has used Pastor Jeff to accomplish much for His glory in Jacksonville, FL since he became pastor in 2005. Under his leadership, the Shondo Center is steadily growing each and every Sunday. The Shondo Center reaches out to Duval County through a thriving food pantry every first Saturday of every month, no matter the weather. This food pantry services all people regardless of where they come from within the city.
Jeffrey B. Valentine Show
We cordially invite you, your family & friends to join us every Sunday morning at 5:30 am on CW17 every Sunday morning or on-demand on YouTube.
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